Curriculum vitae
Monique S. van Dijk, lawyer since 1990, focuses on company law and labour law.. Monique mainly works for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). As SME-lawyer, she started her career at a law firm in Naaldwijk and Den Haag. Afterwards, she worked at a law firm in Rotterdam specialised in company law, labour law, and real estate law. Monique entered into a partnership in 1996 and has worked under the name Van Ballegooijen Van Dijk for 6 years. In 2001, she founded VANDIJK lawyers. As a result, Monique has over 25 years of company law experience. Monique is an entrepreneur herself. She speaks the language of the entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, she also gets confronted by the same legal (im)possibilities and is therefore pre-eminently a lawyer for the entrepreneur.
At VANDIJK lawyers, Monique van Dijk is the Master in corporate circles.
Labour Law
Monique gets called in by SME-entrepreneurs because of her specialised (fiscal and civil law) knowledge of labour law.
Company Law
Monique knows all of her clients well. She knows their organisational and corporate culture and the merits of the company. It is for that reason she gets asked for advice regarding company law matters such as contracts, collaborations, takeovers, and business conflicts frequently.
Administrative Experience
Monique has gained a great deal of administrative experience as, for example, chairman of the Euro-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce recognised in Brussels, vice-chairman of the Euro-ACP Chamber and, in recent years, as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Stichting St. Welzijnsgroep Rotterdam.
Monique van Dijk graduated from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam in 1989. She was sworn in as a lawyer in 1990 in The Hague and since 1993 in Rotterdam. After her professional training in law, she has completed various specialist training courses, including Postgraduate Labour Law (PALA) and PALA plus.
In 2016, Monique van Dijk successfully completed the mediator training at Dialogue B.V.